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Consilex Muffa Cleaner: Curățare, decalcifiere, cu agent antimucegai

Consilex Muffa Cleaner: Curățare, decalcifiere, cu agent antimucegai

Consilex Muffa Cleaner Transparent, ready-to-use cleaning agent, for the safe removal of scale blackish incrustations from moulds and biodeteriogenic manifestations, as well as for the revitalising renewal of wooden surfaces. It is particularly recommended for the cleaning and removal of the brown and blackish incrustations caused by humidity and mould, on masonry, internal and external plasters, chalk coatings, lime, cement, paint, plastic, wooden surfaces. It can be used effectively also for the restoration and renewal of wooden surfaces degraded and blackened by humidity and the weather. Cleaning and removal of deposits and stains caused by moulds and biodeteriogenic manifestations. Renovation and maintenance of wooden surfaces degraded by moulds and moisture. AS A CLEANING, DAMP PROOFING AGENT: Apply the product by spraying or brushing the surfaces to be cleaned, leave to work for a period of time ranging from 30 minutes to one hour; then remove the product with a sponge and rinse with water. In the case of particularly resistant concretions, repeat the operations described until their complete elimination. AS WOOD RENEWER: For surface cleaning, for example, before repainting, apply the product until rejection on soiled and/or blackened parts, with a sprayer or a brush. Remove the product after a few minutes with a damp sponge or brush with water. For a deeper treatment, to renew the original natural appearance of wood, leave the product to work for at least 12 hours. Then proceed with the removal of fouling with a brush and water and, after drying, proceed with the protective repainting with appropriate flatting or with transparent paints. Approximately 0,20 litres of Consilex Muffa Cleaner for every square metre of surface to be treated. Packaging: 1-liter can UM: €/l
PowerOZ - dezinfectant cu ozon pentru medii

PowerOZ - dezinfectant cu ozon pentru medii

POWER OZ è un sistema di sanificazione automatico che utilizza il forte potere disinfettante e deodorante dell'ozono. Garantisce inattivazione di batteri, muffe e lievitie disinfetta anche i punti dove è più complesso arrivare senza lasciare residui o odori. RASSICURA TE E I TUOI CLIENTI ! Igenizza quotidianamente i tuoi locali Descrizione di PowerOZ- sanificatore ad ozono per gli ambienti Il sistema PowerOz, rappresenta un´innovazione nel campo della generazione di ozono. Fin ora, questi sistemi sono stati utilizzati principalmente a livello industriale, negli ospedali e in ambito terapeutico a causa del loro costo e delle loro dimensioni. Con PowerOz tutto questo è superato. Infatti PowerOz è un prodotto di dimensioni contenute, economico e facile da utilizzare, ma soprattutto sicuro ed efficace per Riferimento:POWOZ